
There’s no way out

It's so draining to work 40 hours a week and have no time for myself without cutting out important errands like showering, cooking good meals, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping. Neglecting all that so I can do something on the 2 days I have off and not able to save up enough for anything. I can't buy a house without a decade of planning. School without loans for 20+ years. I pray that the time amounts I spend on the lottery will save me from this hell but I know I'm kidding myself. Not called the stupid tax for no reason. I'm just lost and I can't get out of being some cog. Thanks trickle down.

It's so draining to work 40 hours a week and have no time for myself without cutting out important errands like showering, cooking good meals, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping.
Neglecting all that so I can do something on the 2 days I have off and not able to save up enough for anything. I can't buy a house without a decade of planning. School without loans for 20+ years.
I pray that the time amounts I spend on the lottery will save me from this hell but I know I'm kidding myself. Not called the stupid tax for no reason.
I'm just lost and I can't get out of being some cog. Thanks trickle down.

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