
These are among the corporations who contributed to the travesty dropped on our laps this past Friday

​ It's not the best infographic, I'm sure, but it's the one I've got. I saw this sub's commentary on striking in response to the Roe overturn make front page. Sadly, a lot of us cannot afford to strike for one reason another. Some need the money to feed their kids. Some need the healthcare provided to stay alive. Some literally can't without going to jail (military). For those of us who cannot and for everyone else who wants to find other ways to make your voices known, see above for companies who have contributed money to the committees who have been pushing for anti-abortion legislation. Every $ you give them empowers them to support furthering laws intended to strip you of your rights and make you more dependent on them for existence. (consider how many companies will now offer travel benefits to states where abortion is legal as…

It's not the best infographic, I'm sure, but it's the one I've got.

I saw this sub's commentary on striking in response to the Roe overturn make front page. Sadly, a lot of us cannot afford to strike for one reason another. Some need the money to feed their kids. Some need the healthcare provided to stay alive. Some literally can't without going to jail (military).

For those of us who cannot and for everyone else who wants to find other ways to make your voices known, see above for companies who have contributed money to the committees who have been pushing for anti-abortion legislation. Every $ you give them empowers them to support furthering laws intended to strip you of your rights and make you more dependent on them for existence. (consider how many companies will now offer travel benefits to states where abortion is legal as part of their compensation package…)

Some of these businesses are ubiquitous and hard to get away from. But every $ you can put somewhere else is a $ less they can put towards harming the general public.

While I'm at it, I would like to encourage everyone to register to vote as soon as they can and start making plans to do so. Remember that you need to vote at all levels to see long lasting change. To only care about the Presidential election is the biggest con pulled on constituents in our lifetimes. Other areas you can vote that have impact include: Federal-level congress, state-level congress, governors, mayors, and so on. Look at your city and state-level elected officials and figure out who is running and whose values align with yours. Then take it to the polls. Drag your friends to the polls with you too while you're at it. Their gerrymandering and voter suppression is based around the idea of keeping a certain number of people from not even participating. If every person brings 2 others with them, we can break a system that's been carefully balanced around the idea of you not even showing up to begin with.

If you have an opinion to share with me about Roe v Wade, frankly I don't want to hear it and won't be responding. I know where I stand and I'm not budging nor am I engaging in arguments with internet trolls. Save your time and energy.

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