
These Indeed Job Posters/Employers are getting Desperate/Scammy

A little context: I quit my highly toxic supervisor job in hospitality cold turkey with no notice, mailed my badge and keys, and said farewell to evil guests/customers and patronizing/pretentious/micro-managing bosses. I went to the beach, planned some other excursions with my nest egg, and zeroed in my energy on my studies. Between my articulated timing in when the best windows were for me to quit (essentially after rent and all my bills were paid and when I had money left over for food and entertainment + financial aid from school), and my rapidly decaying physical and mental health, I took the leap and started planning more mini adventures for my dog and me while focusing on school. This is all with the understanding that, I do need to get another job soon or I will be not so happy financially. Not to fret, however, I've received a hand-full of…

A little context: I quit my highly toxic supervisor job in hospitality cold turkey with no notice, mailed my badge and keys, and said farewell to evil guests/customers and patronizing/pretentious/micro-managing bosses. I went to the beach, planned some other excursions with my nest egg, and zeroed in my energy on my studies. Between my articulated timing in when the best windows were for me to quit (essentially after rent and all my bills were paid and when I had money left over for food and entertainment + financial aid from school), and my rapidly decaying physical and mental health, I took the leap and started planning more mini adventures for my dog and me while focusing on school. This is all with the understanding that, I do need to get another job soon or I will be not so happy financially. Not to fret, however, I've received a hand-full of interviews to the point where if I wanted to make the most out of my time, I've had no real choice but to analyze which interviews were worth it, aka, who is offering zoom meetings, who has the longer commute, who is answering the phone with an attitude, what hours make sense and work towards the new standard of living I want to pursue, etc.

Ok so here are a couple of examples of questionable employee recruitment I've witnessed during this treacherous journey:

Example 1

We all know that there are these very shady $30 per hour remote positions phishing for information however, I've come within my first encounter of applying for a position that had a full fledge role description, hourly rate, whole nine yards, and when they called to “interview me” for 20min on the phone, I noticed she was asking me a lot of ambiguous questions about my previous work experience and then this was how the conversation panned out from there:

Her- “Oh okay, so you're looking for something more customer service related?”.

Me- “Well no, I'm saying that was my previous experience, although I'm somewhat opened to the possibility”.

Her- “Oh well would you say that you're looking for something more clerical?”.

Me- “Well I thought I had applied for the position of a 'production specialist' which was geared toward assembly line, do you mind telling me a little bit more of what the specifications of that role entails, and more about the company?”.

Her-” um… can I put you on hold for a second?”

Like ok?? She puts me on hold for like 2-3minutes.. comes back and then tries to circumvent again.

Her-“So you're looking for a more clerical position something more customer service related?”( and this is after specifically mentioning that I was looking to transition out of the customer service/ hospitality role for a while)

I asked her again if she could mention more about the company. She then proceeded to tell me their job is to find employment placement and match people looking for employment with employment specialists to try to recruit people for temp to hire (I'm surely guessing to avoid paying out benefits and target the desperate). I proceeded to tell her oh I didn't realize you guys were calling to gather information in that way I guess I had the wrong impression of what this interview was. I then asked her to erase my information and hung up. What a waste of damn time. & honestly, it felt scammy.

Example 2

– I decided I'd bite the bullet and consider taking on a role as a night auditor (still hotel sector but less guest interaction and a lot of free time to do homework and whatnot), and although the hours aren't hot, I figured I could take on a limited part-time role, for the meantime. I'd even consider going back to the front desk if I could work 3-4 days a week during the evenings if the property is nice. So one job out of a handful that I applied to was for a “Night Supervisor” position, the hours weren't specified, and the inclination was that I'd be managing the nights ( I anticipated the possibility of it essentially being a night audit position worded fancy as bait), and essentially found the employer actually calling me back after having scheduled an interview to tell me specifically ” Hey, by the way, I know we have the interview tomorrow but, I realize that the indeed title may come across a little misleading, the hours for this role are from 9 pm-5 am…blah blah blah.., I figured I'd tell you before you commute all the way out here, do you still want to attend?” I replied, “Oh so basically a night auditor?” and he replied yes… Like sir then just put in the description Night Auditor? Needless to say, the principal alone rubbed me the wrong way so I didn't attend.

I don't know about you, I guess it depends on the industry you are in, but these job interviews are feeling in comparison to what tinder dating used to feel like for me, you have all these options, and none of them are a match, some of them are scammy/creepy, and the good ones are almost non-existent. I'm sure I could muster up a few more examples of this unwitted behavior but I refuse to for time's sake. If you do share your story it's kind of funny. I just think it's hilarious that employers will interject what they think is fancy professional terminology such as “ambassador” or “specialist” in front of a shitty role's name to make the role more appealing to the point, that they are damn there outsing “supervisor” as a meaningless title lol (As a previous supervisor and business owner, supervisory is glorified grunt work with extra expectations to do the manager's bidding so he/she can sit on their ass). I've never taken titles seriously anyways but this is the icing on the cake.

tl;dr – Lots of scammy indeed job postings, even with just misleading role descriptions to reel you in. Titles like “supervisor” have lost meaning. Job hunting is like tinder dating.

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