
They admit They’re tightening the wcrews

Sorry, misspelled the title! Just a quick heads up on companies on after COVID policies. Had an interview with a government agency yesterday. One of the managers admitted that now that COVID is over a lot of clients and employees are going to be disgruntled and angry. The reason? “A lot of those COVID perks are going away and aren't coming back. Things like leniency in being a few minutes late, working from home, or having sick parents or children. We are going to be not so quick t approve PTO and start cracking down on things.” When asked if that was because of productivity, she said no, it's because people are getting away with too much these days and there's a loss of control. So there you have it straight from a Manager's mouth. And this was at a union place to boot.

Sorry, misspelled the title!

Just a quick heads up on companies on after COVID policies. Had an interview with a government agency yesterday. One of the managers admitted that now that COVID is over a lot of clients and employees are going to be disgruntled and angry. The reason? “A lot of those COVID perks are going away and aren't coming back. Things like leniency in being a few minutes late, working from home, or having sick parents or children. We are going to be not so quick t approve PTO and start cracking down on things.” When asked if that

was because of productivity, she said no, it's because people are getting away with too much these days and there's a loss of control.

So there you have it straight from a Manager's mouth. And this was at a union place to boot.

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