
They changed my pay schedule

When I was hired I was told I’d be paid once a month. Okay a little odd but I can make it work. I work all of March. Get paid April first. Work all of April. Nothing. Late on rent. Ask HR what’s up. “You’ll get paid June 15th”. I can’t even pay rent for may. Rent in june is due on the 3rd. I’ll be evicted before then. How do they expect me to go a month no pay for a month I already worked?! I’m at risk of losing everything. I have no roommates or family to lean on I’m completely on my own. I can’t afford food, bills, pet care, anything right now. I was expecting to be paid by now to last the month. Im at my wits end and don’t know if it’s worth living like this anymore.

When I was hired I was told I’d be paid once a month. Okay a little odd but I can make it work. I work all of March. Get paid April first. Work all of April. Nothing. Late on rent. Ask HR what’s up. “You’ll get paid June 15th”. I can’t even pay rent for may. Rent in june is due on the 3rd. I’ll be evicted before then. How do they expect me to go a month no pay for a month I already worked?! I’m at risk of losing everything. I have no roommates or family to lean on I’m completely on my own. I can’t afford food, bills, pet care, anything right now. I was expecting to be paid by now to last the month. Im at my wits end and don’t know if it’s worth living like this anymore.

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