
They don’t care if you’re employed or unemployed.

They'll extort you for your labor either way. They need consumers, and more importantly, consumers who cannot fend for themselves, primarily in production of vital goods. Technology is too good to rely on the means of production being worth capital, so they employed tactics meant to shift human need into immaterial commodities. That started, what, when television began to take off? So, we're waking up from that and realizing we don't need so much and that we can produce our own goods. So now, those professions which allow us to remain in the 21st century are kept under lock and key. Property prices are drastically rising, because the banks, having controlled all the money since the age of the monarchs, can see that having none of your own land means you have no space for production. And even the landlords we hold with such contempt are being swallowed up by…

They'll extort you for your labor either way. They need consumers, and more importantly, consumers who cannot fend for themselves, primarily in production of vital goods. Technology is too good to rely on the means of production being worth capital, so they employed tactics meant to shift human need into immaterial commodities. That started, what, when television began to take off? So, we're waking up from that and realizing we don't need so much and that we can produce our own goods. So now, those professions which allow us to remain in the 21st century are kept under lock and key. Property prices are drastically rising, because the banks, having controlled all the money since the age of the monarchs, can see that having none of your own land means you have no space for production. And even the landlords we hold with such contempt are being swallowed up by men gambling the fruits of our toils.

But, hope lies in the proles.

We need to organize. On the internet, in the streets, with our neighbors. Any value you have in your labor, you must seize it. Freelance in whatever area you can, and attend any union meetings you can. It doesn't matter if you aren't proficient in anything. If anything, it'll be better than any job fair.

And if you're reading this, there's almost 100 percent chance that you, too are valuable as a worker, and that those in your community are just as angry as you are about the same things. You just have to find that common ground, because we all live the same dystopia. And, if you can attend or arrange political meetings, or meetings between professionals with like causes, please do so. It's a great place for you guys to share clientele and fill consumer needs.

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