
They expect me to walk home after a twelve hour shift in thirty degree weather

Sorry but I just gotta vent cause of how ridiculous this is. First the cut my hours to eight. Where I was walking home at one am every night for three weeks plus made it where me and my fiancee have been eating nothing but a cup of noodles a day to make sure our daughter is fed and has diapers. They know I don't have a car either and usually catch a ride home with someone or walk it. And the three hour walk wasn't so bad before, but it's turning winter now. And today I come in and I'm scheduled for twelve hours. I talk to my team leader and was hey I'm on the schedule for twelve? He was like yeah. I was like I was have no problem working it but everyone who will give me a ride is on ten so I can't work that.…

Sorry but I just gotta vent cause of how ridiculous this is. First the cut my hours to eight. Where I was walking home at one am every night for three weeks plus made it where me and my fiancee have been eating nothing but a cup of noodles a day to make sure our daughter is fed and has diapers.

They know I don't have a car either and usually catch a ride home with someone or walk it. And the three hour walk wasn't so bad before, but it's turning winter now. And today I come in and I'm scheduled for twelve hours. I talk to my team leader and was hey I'm on the schedule for twelve? He was like yeah. I was like I was have no problem working it but everyone who will give me a ride is on ten so I can't work that. I even told him this when he asked me yesterday too.

He then got a snarky tone and was fine go home when you need to I guess. Like dude I told you yesterday I didn't have a ride for it. And I'm not walking home in thirty degree weather for you guys. This job isn't worth frostbite.

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