
They had 10 day to prepare!!!

So I let my boss know way in advance, that I needed two specific pieces of equipment on the 22, he said I didn't that I said one, sent him a screen shot of the convo, he told me well you need to call around and find the other one, I have called 7 other stores, no one has a spare so guess who looks stupid on Monday. ME!!! I knew I should have done the leg work myself and made sure it got done right. Im so mad at them and myself!!!!!

So I let my boss know way in advance, that I needed two specific pieces of equipment on the 22, he said I didn't that I said one, sent him a screen shot of the convo, he told me well you need to call around and find the other one, I have called 7 other stores, no one has a spare so guess who looks stupid on Monday. ME!!! I knew I should have done the leg work myself and made sure it got done right. Im so mad at them and myself!!!!!

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