
They just mess us around

Just came across a sheet of paper on which had the information for my daily travel and what time I could arrive to a work place that was way too far away for me to get to. I remember spending the longest time figuring it all out and explaining in detail to the manager of said place what I could and couldn't do, all for him to completely ignore me and schedule me an entire week of times I couldn't do That along with a dozen other red flags made me quit the place before I even started… It got me thinking about how much I had been messed around in my job search. I had an interview for another place and they sounded super keen, told me I'd be contacted by the end of the day regardless of the outcome but they were very eager to have me start…

Just came across a sheet of paper on which had the information for my daily travel and what time I could arrive to a work place that was way too far away for me to get to. I remember spending the longest time figuring it all out and explaining in detail to the manager of said place what I could and couldn't do, all for him to completely ignore me and schedule me an entire week of times I couldn't do
That along with a dozen other red flags made me quit the place before I even started…

It got me thinking about how much I had been messed around in my job search.

I had an interview for another place and they sounded super keen, told me I'd be contacted by the end of the day regardless of the outcome but they were very eager to have me start the next week.. never heard back from them.
Had a 'training day' at a place which turned into an 8 hour shift without any training whatsoever (and me quitting the day after)
A couple of interviews for positions that ended up being completely different to what I'd applied for..
Interviews scheduled for entirely different areas to the ones I'd applied for..
An interviewer that showed up over an hour late for our discussion (and wondered why I hadn't stuck around)
Places that lied about the hourly wage.
Places that lied about the contracted hours.
Places that lied about everything.

And a million other things like it, I'm lucky that I've found a place that suits my needs better now. But God, isn't it just exhausting spending all your time and energy, trying your hardest, going through all the bs application forms that take hours and completely drain you, just for them to lie to you.. and yet we're just supposed to accept this treatment because we need money to survive.

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