
“They just sleep all day anyway, right?”

So, it’s been a long time since this happened but I thought I’d share this anyway since I will safely assume about a billion other dads like me have heard this shit before in their working lives. I had to take a week’s vacation for my daughter’s birth back in 2015 (no paternal leave, cause ‘Merica) and when I brought it up to the owner he said “Is it necessary? They just sleep all day anyway, right?”. This, from a man who has two daughters of his own, and is also a grandfather. In his esteemed opinion it was more important for me to keep selling than to fucking bond with my fresh-ass child. Never mind the shitty maternity leave for mothers in this toilet country, fathers might as well just keep on working until their kids call the ottoman “dad” instead. See, it’s been seven years and it still…

So, it’s been a long time since this happened but I thought I’d share this anyway since I will safely assume about a billion other dads like me have heard this shit before in their working lives.

I had to take a week’s vacation for my daughter’s birth back in 2015 (no paternal leave, cause ‘Merica) and when I brought it up to the owner he said “Is it necessary? They just sleep all day anyway, right?”.

This, from a man who has two daughters of his own, and is also a grandfather. In his esteemed opinion it was more important for me to keep selling than to fucking bond with my fresh-ass child. Never mind the shitty maternity leave for mothers in this toilet country, fathers might as well just keep on working until their kids call the ottoman “dad” instead.

See, it’s been seven years and it still makes me fucking irate. Like I said, it’s been a while but if I were a betting man I’d put some serious cash on there being a metric ton of other dads who’ve been fed this insidious shit here in the land of the fr…..hopeless.

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