
They keep changing my schedule without me. Can I do anything?

I’ve been working for 3 weeks (part-time) at this burger joint in the US. My first week on the job, for some reason they placed me on a full-time schedule even if I applied as part-time. They couldn’t change my hours anymore for the coming 2 weeks (upsetting but oh well) but they at least gave me a new schedule with weekends and Friday off for future weeks, which is amazing. Then later that week a completely different manager brings me in and tells me that I cannot have the schedule the other manager gave me, so she gives me a new one where I work Saturday and then I’m off Thursday instead (I will admit the first new schedule seemed too good to be true). I’m confused why that first manager gave me that schedule in the first place because later I am told he is not even allowed…

I’ve been working for 3 weeks (part-time) at this burger joint in the US.

My first week on the job, for some reason they placed me on a full-time schedule even if I applied as part-time. They couldn’t change my hours anymore for the coming 2 weeks (upsetting but oh well) but they at least gave me a new schedule with weekends and Friday off for future weeks, which is amazing.

Then later that week a completely different manager brings me in and tells me that I cannot have the schedule the other manager gave me, so she gives me a new one where I work Saturday and then I’m off Thursday instead (I will admit the first new schedule seemed too good to be true). I’m confused why that first manager gave me that schedule in the first place because later I am told he is not even allowed to make the schedules.

They bring me in AGAIN another time and they tell me that this second new schedule is also not allowed and I HAVE to work weekends. Mind you I am not he one creating all of these new schedules- they are giving them to me based on my availability which I am perfectly okay with, I’m just annoyed that they keep changing their minds on which days they need me.

All the while I am working on the full-time schedule they first falsely assigned me, while they continually blame me for “shifting my availability too many times” when I have only asked once to merely been moved from full-time to part-time, whereas they have individually altered my schedule over and over again without my consent and on random notice.

In the end though they have finally landed me on a schedule for next week, where I will finally stop working full-time and acquire a part-time schedule like I originally asked – but when I go check the scheduling app we use I see a COMPLETELY different schedule AGAIN that they created for me.

I have told them that I have only asked for a schedule change ONCE – but I don’t know what else I can do.

Is this allowed at these restaurants? Is it because I am new that they can do this to me? I know the new schedules don’t affect me since they’ll happen in the future, but I keep on having to revise my plans over and over again and I’m worried they are just going to bever respect my free time.

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