
they made bad decisions

i gave my two week's notice on monday and the whole week has been exactly why i'm leaving. i work retail at a store with high product turnover and we're getting twelve skids of products delivered and processed daily and it's going to be keeping this pace until christmas. from day to day, it's almost impossible to do. the shelves are full but we can't backstock because the warehouse isn't made for it. there's simply nowhere to put anything. the warehouse isn't intended for storage since our business model is to get everything out on the floor every day. at this point. a whole team of us can't get it all out even if we're working all day. the delivery comes in at 8:00, takes until 9:30 – 10:00 to unload and sort, and then full time-staff spends until 4:00 or 5:00 getting it out on the floor while also…

i gave my two week's notice on monday and the whole week has been exactly why i'm leaving. i work retail at a store with high product turnover and we're getting twelve skids of products delivered and processed daily and it's going to be keeping this pace until christmas. from day to day, it's almost impossible to do. the shelves are full but we can't backstock because the warehouse isn't made for it. there's simply nowhere to put anything. the warehouse isn't intended for storage since our business model is to get everything out on the floor every day.

at this point. a whole team of us can't get it all out even if we're working all day. the delivery comes in at 8:00, takes until 9:30 – 10:00 to unload and sort, and then full time-staff spends until 4:00 or 5:00 getting it out on the floor while also being called to the cash if there's a line forming and filling several other on-call duties. there is an evening crew but, tbh, they don't do much and can't be counted on to have things ready for us in the morning. by 3:30 today, there was still a ton of shit to go out. because the evening crew can't be trusted to get it all out, before we all left, it had to go somewhere to guarantee we'd have the equipment it was taking up to receive new product in the morning. two managers were racing around trying to just re-arrange anything they could to free up what we'll need for tomorrow and i was like 'this is nuts.'

i'm not feeling bad for leaving them in this lurch at all. first, i'm not down for being exploited like this, second, things are like this because of the decisions they have made. over a month ago, a key department manager gave her two week's notice after having worked there for over ten years and did they hurry to replace her? nope. if they were smart, they would have replaced her before she even left and had her train her replacement. instead they had me lined up. either they were going to force me into this position by virtue of being the only person there to do the job or using me to do all of a manager's work without the pay until they could get someone else. i didn't even want the position. i have no idea how or any interest in running a department. when my schedule popped up and i realized they'd placed me in the last manager's department every day for the foreseeable future, that was it for me.

so, knowing their busiest time of year is coming up, where all of their staff are pushed to the brink every day, they figured they'd just leave that up in the air. next friday i'm gone and there's nobody to replace me. they never train new hires, so whatever new person gets put there isn't going to be pulling much weight, and the rest will fall on every other department. who the fuck came up with this idea?

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