
They never learn

So corporate has yet to learn. I know it’s not my company. But it’s obvious they have no idea what their doing. Ive been with this company for 4 years. It seems like as soon as it got bought out the intelligence running it nose dived. That’s my nice way of saying corporate is stupid. Tomorrow is customer appreciation day. But they’ve failed to promote it appropriately. They have some stupid cards we were to give, newspaper article, and a sign by the store. I told my GM it would be more effective if they promoted it on Netflix or Hulu. Something people watch pretty often. They tried breakfast & that was a massive failure. That forced cuts in hours. That’s where I got smart. I have other former jobs that would LOVE to have me back. But I’m ready for tomorrow. Ready to laugh when it’s barely busier then…

So corporate has yet to learn. I know it’s not my company. But it’s obvious they have no idea what their doing. Ive been with this company for 4 years. It seems like as soon as it got bought out the intelligence running it nose dived. That’s my nice way of saying corporate is stupid. Tomorrow is customer appreciation day. But they’ve failed to promote it appropriately. They have some stupid cards we were to give, newspaper article, and a sign by the store. I told my GM it would be more effective if they promoted it on Netflix or Hulu. Something people watch pretty often. They tried breakfast & that was a massive failure. That forced cuts in hours. That’s where I got smart. I have other former jobs that would LOVE to have me back. But I’m ready for tomorrow. Ready to laugh when it’s barely busier then a normal Tuesday. I’m a logical thinker. Why have this day if you don’t have the money to adequately promote it? If you can’t promote it on a source thats garaunteed to be seen then why even do it? I get ads in my mail. I’ve glanced at them briefly…other then that they go straight to the trash.

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