
They promised me a bonus, then they took it away.

I am starting a new job next week with a national telecom company. The pay is better than what I am getting now and the working conditions will be better, but they also promised me a bonus and because of a mistake they made, they are taking it away. The job was listed with a $2500 sign on bonus but didn't say it was only for new hires from outside the company. I am transferring to this job from a subsidiary company so I am an internal new hire. But it wasn't a secret. I applied through the internal job website. My resume stated that I am currently employed at the subsidiary There was a box I ticked “yes” on the application asking if I have or am worked/working for the company or a subsidiary. AND I spoke at length about my current employment during the interview. There were FOUR…

I am starting a new job next week with a national telecom company. The pay is better than what I am getting now and the working conditions will be better, but they also promised me a bonus and because of a mistake they made, they are taking it away.

The job was listed with a $2500 sign on bonus but didn't say it was only for new hires from outside the company. I am transferring to this job from a subsidiary company so I am an internal new hire. But it wasn't a secret.

  1. I applied through the internal job website.
  2. My resume stated that I am currently employed at the subsidiary
  3. There was a box I ticked “yes” on the application asking if I have or am worked/working for the company or a subsidiary.


  1. I spoke at length about my current employment during the interview.

There were FOUR chances for them to see that I currently work for their subsidiary.

When I accepted the job, I asked for a copy of the offer letter. They sent me a “draft” copy and said a final copy will come later. This draft included the bonus. But a week after I accepted (and it's about 2 weeks after I sent the application in and interviewed for the job) they called and told me that they just now realized that I work for a subsidiary and because of that, I wasn't eligible for the bonus. The HR rep on the phone was apologetic but I stated polietly, yet bluntly, that I was very disappointed and didn't understand why they weren't fixing their mistake by just giving me the bonus anyway. I also asked what the purpose of the bonus is, if not to get people in the job? Does it matter if they come from inside or outside the company? She agreed with me but the final answer was “whelp, sorry, company policy.”

This is a national telecom company. $2500 is a fraction of a penny to them but it's a lot of money to me. I'm so upset and frankly have very little respect or confidence starting this new job. I still accepted it because the pay is better but I'm feeling like I should hold a grudge and find something better sooner than later.

I don't know if I have any recourse to get the bonus out of them. And I'm not sure if I need any advice about it either but I would welcome any if it came. I guess I just wanted to vent.

Fuck the man.

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