
They refuse to pay me.

I was called in for training from the YMCA daycare job that I really wanted. The interview went very well and I was excited because I thought I would finally get out of this jobless purgatory. I go in 40 minutes early because again, I was excited. I ask one of the teachers were I should go. She calls one of the supervisors and has me placed in a room with toddlers. They gave me two staff t-shirts, introduced me to some staff, and some of the children that I thought I would be working with. An hour or so goes by and I am on the floor interacting with the kids, when the supervisor who placed me in that room said that there was something missing. She has me log into the account that I had made and there was nothing in there. No completed background check, no training…

I was called in for training from the YMCA daycare job that I really wanted. The interview went very well and I was excited because I thought I would finally get out of this jobless purgatory. I go in 40 minutes early because again, I was excited. I ask one of the teachers were I should go. She calls one of the supervisors and has me placed in a room with toddlers. They gave me two staff t-shirts, introduced me to some staff, and some of the children that I thought I would be working with.

An hour or so goes by and I am on the floor interacting with the kids, when the supervisor who placed me in that room said that there was something missing. She has me log into the account that I had made and there was nothing in there. No completed background check, no training videos or anything. So she is trying to call HR to see what was up. I was made to wait there for at least an hour and a half. Maybe more. HR tells her to have me be sent home until they can figure out what was going on.

I wait for a WEEK. And in those days they send me shit ONE AT A TIME THAT SOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE TRAINING. Background check one day, a letter that explains the job and a mandatory 8 refrence survey. Now, the survey is what pissed me off the most because 8 people had to take 5 minutes out of their day just to take a survey and all 8 people HAD to complete it.

So, everything got turned in. Then, the Tuesday after that week, I was given an email saying that they wouldn't hire me. I was upset, but I was more upset at the fact that I was lead into thinking that I got the job, that I took time out of my day to do it, and the fact that I never got paid.

Since late July I have been calling to see if I would be getting paid an I was also calling to see why they would do that to me if they weren't going to hire me. Legally, I did work. Even if it's just $10 after taxes (my state sucks) I'm still owed money. One person after another as said that they knew nothing about it and would report it to the higher ups. I even got one woman who said that they would review the footage to see how long I was there for. That was back late july/early August. It's SEPTEMBER.

A few days ago I had decided to leave a bad review on their good page and this morning I find that it's gone. I try to call someone from HR but it appears that my number has been block. This is why I don't want to work. Out of all the disrespect I have endured from previous jobs, I have NEVER been treated like this. I've never been lied to, ghosted, disrespected and blocked by any job ever! And to be honest it's not just about the wasted time or the money. It's about how I was treated at a places that valued community and all that positive shit. I don't know how I'm going to go about suing them. I have no money for an attorney and I feel lile I deserve more money for damages or something. I am pisssed. My social worker even asked if it was worth my energy for money that won't even be enough to use because I wasn't there for that long.

I put them on blast on tiktok because that app could give me so many views. But I don't have any that would make a difference. I just want to blast them on every inch of the internet because they don't deserve respect or my silence. I'm beyond upset.

As sad to say as it is, I understand why some people voluntarily become homeless. Because if this is how the workforce is going to treat me then they don't deserve my labor. I don't know what to do.

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