
They won’t hire me…

Hello fellow Redditors. First time poster, long time lurker. So, for a little bit of background. I (26M) have been a supply chain specialist for almost 8 years. This was literally my first and only job, with side jobs every now and then for extra income. I started at entry level by a great team who trained me and I reached a point where I became the main point of contact for any issue in sales/orders/supply issues. Without any school/college or whatever, I became highly proficient at MS OFFICE, EXCEL, Spreadsheets, sales/financial reports and a bunch of other related work. Well, unfortunately, I lost my job 4 months ago.l, and have been looking for work since then. I noticed the same day I was let go, a job was posted on indeed for a management position in the exact same field. I went over the requirements, which I was very…

Hello fellow Redditors. First time poster, long time lurker.

So, for a little bit of background. I (26M) have been a supply chain specialist for almost 8 years. This was literally my first and only job, with side jobs every now and then for extra income. I started at entry level by a great team who trained me and I reached a point where I became the main point of contact for any issue in sales/orders/supply issues. Without any school/college or whatever, I became highly proficient at MS OFFICE, EXCEL, Spreadsheets, sales/financial reports and a bunch of other related work.

Well, unfortunately, I lost my job 4 months ago.l, and have been looking for work since then. I noticed the same day I was let go, a job was posted on indeed for a management position in the exact same field. I went over the requirements, which I was very well over the minimum skills needed. I applied and was called and asked if I had previous supervisor or management position. I do not. Therefore, they disqualified me. They say they’re not looking to train a leader.

Fast forward to today, 4 months later. They are still hiring for that position. Again, I call and the recruiter gives me the same bullshit. I asked to speak to management as I’m truly interested in the position and I know I exceed the minimum qualifications by a lot. They hesitantly transfer me over to the manager, and holy crap no wonder they haven’t found someone yet. The amount of stupid questions and unnecessary background info was unbelievable. One that stood out the most was how he asked me why I’ve only had one job. I explained it’s been my only job since I was 17 figured that’s enough of an explanation. Nope. He goes on to say he wants someone with more work experience, someone he won’t need to train to be a leader. He wants to know why I never took a side job to learn something else and just a whole bunch of crap that I ended up just getting pissed of and told him you know what, I think you’re right, this isn’t the job for me. I can see why it’s been 4 months and you still can’t fill the position. He simply said to have a nice day and that was that. Wtf…..

Oh and just to add to the wtf factor. I have never had to look for another job before. I was making 82k at my old job, and another place recently offered me a contract for 56k for the same position lol. I said no thanks.

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