
They’re getting rid of chairs at my job after we’ve had them for years!? Why are they doing this to us!?

I’m a receptionist at a salon. Us receptionists have chairs but we are on our feet a lot as we do other assistant work around the salon such as greeting clients and bringing them to their servicer, helping with laundry, etc. But most of our job is at the computer, often on the phone with clients. Chair or not we are working all day and it is still very tiring physically and mentally. I’m on my day off today and my coworker messages me, saying they completely redid the receptionist area over the long weekend and now we’ll be standing “so we don’t look so lazy.” Apparently according to our boss we “look too comfortable.” What the fuck!? We are literally working!! We’re definitely never too comfortable. We’re not even using the chairs for more than half the day!! Not to mention we’re in an environment that is supposed to…

I’m a receptionist at a salon. Us receptionists have chairs but we are on our feet a lot as we do other assistant work around the salon such as greeting clients and bringing them to their servicer, helping with laundry, etc. But most of our job is at the computer, often on the phone with clients. Chair or not we are working all day and it is still very tiring physically and mentally. I’m on my day off today and my coworker messages me, saying they completely redid the receptionist area over the long weekend and now we’ll be standing “so we don’t look so lazy.” Apparently according to our boss we “look too comfortable.” What the fuck!? We are literally working!! We’re definitely never too comfortable. We’re not even using the chairs for more than half the day!! Not to mention we’re in an environment that is supposed to be calming and relaxing for the clients, is us looking like we’re comfortable while doing our job really a problem??

Of course, I know for many jobs you’re standing all day. I stood all day at all my past jobs and literally one of my biggest reasons to stay at this one for so long was because I can sit in a goddamn chair. Why is it the norm for all jobs to just not let their employees sit!? I will even go as far to say I’d RATHER go somewhere and see employees sitting because chances are that person is at least physically comfortable while doing their job, which will improve their performance. This isn’t even my only job, as I can’t even afford to pay off my bills with just working here and the one upside was that I can at least get to sit before heading off to my next job, where I stand all day but I guess I can’t even fucking do that. I’m so fucking frustrated right now.

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