
They’ve stolen so much from us.

The rich have stolen so much of our labor, so much of our wealth that they'll never be able to spend it all. Elon just spent 44 billion on a flagrant whim, when 24 billion would have solved homelessness in the US! They have all the power because we allow them to. They've completely stacked the “game” in their favor. Our laws don't apply to them, the loop holes and depositions will always allow them to evade their bills to society. We need to leverage all of remaining power against them. Voting only for those who prove they will fight for us, don't fall for the same culture war games. Don't be afraid to resist the river of public opinion. All major news media is bought and owned by the rich, they'll always lie and deceive us. Their goal is to cause us to bicker against ourselves so we'll never…

The rich have stolen so much of our labor, so much of our wealth that they'll never be able to spend it all. Elon just spent 44 billion on a flagrant whim, when 24 billion would have solved homelessness in the US! They have all the power because we allow them to.

They've completely stacked the “game” in their favor. Our laws don't apply to them, the loop holes and depositions will always allow them to evade their bills to society. We need to leverage all of remaining power against them. Voting only for those who prove they will fight for us, don't fall for the same culture war games. Don't be afraid to resist the river of public opinion. All major news media is bought and owned by the rich, they'll always lie and deceive us. Their goal is to cause us to bicker against ourselves so we'll never organize against them. Don't listen to the empty promises from anyone in power! We need to only support leaders, businesses, and politicians who have and will prove themselves to be on our side.

We need to protest in mass with our bodies and wallets. Unionize every major corporation and we need to boycott all businesses that exploit their workers and who won't compitulate to our demands. We need to demand that our basic human needs can't be exploited and served to us at prices we'll never be able to afford because they'll never allow us to be worth anything for our labor. If still they resist once we've done everything the system allows us to do? Then we must be willing to tear down the system to.

We've been exploited to the point where one man has the resources and the power to solve all of a countries problems and he chooses not to. None of them will choose to, we must force them to pay.

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