
Things I have learned over the years

This may apply more to salaried positions than hourly (posted this on tumblr, but thought it fit here) Do the job, do the work well, but don’t do things that aren’t your job Management is not your friend You meet the deadline, but you make sure the deadline is actually doable without extra unpaid work. You never underestimate how long something will take to make your boss feel good. You always pad your estimates to account for random stuff that always comes up. Someone else’s promise is not your promise. If they promise you some reward for getting something done quicker or extra work, make them put it in writing. A raise in pay is better than a one time bonus, unless it is a big bonus If you are salaried, don’t work over 40 hours, otherwise you are giving away your time for nothing. The only recognition that matters…

This may apply more to salaried positions than hourly (posted this on tumblr, but thought it fit here)

  • Do the job, do the work well, but don’t do things that aren’t your job
  • Management is not your friend
  • You meet the deadline, but you make sure the deadline is actually doable without extra unpaid work.
  • You never underestimate how long something will take to make your boss feel good.
  • You always pad your estimates to account for random stuff that always comes up.
  • Someone else’s promise is not your promise.
  • If they promise you some reward for getting something done quicker or extra work, make them put it in writing.
  • A raise in pay is better than a one time bonus, unless it is a big bonus
  • If you are salaried, don’t work over 40 hours, otherwise you are giving away your time for nothing.
  • The only recognition that matters is more money in your paycheck

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