
Things I witnessed/had to deal with as a teacher for 17/hr before I quit

I posted on here a while back about quitting after the Uvalde shooting because of the way it was handled at my particular school. However, a lot of people pointed out how unfair my pay was. Here is what I had to deal with while being paid 17/hr: Break up a knife fight between two 11 yr olds Have a student's mother beg me not to call an ambulance when her child fell down the stairs and broke her ankle because she couldn't afford it. The student waited with a broken ankle in our nurse's office for over an hour for her mother to arrive. The scene was heartbreaking. (When a student is injured I have to notify the parents first, unless life threatening injury) Watch multiple students refuse lunch because they couldn't afford it (I always brought extra food for my students) When I taught sex ed for a…

I posted on here a while back about quitting after the Uvalde shooting because of the way it was handled at my particular school. However, a lot of people pointed out how unfair my pay was. Here is what I had to deal with while being paid 17/hr:

  1. Break up a knife fight between two 11 yr olds
  2. Have a student's mother beg me not to call an ambulance when her child fell down the stairs and broke her ankle because she couldn't afford it. The student waited with a broken ankle in our nurse's office for over an hour for her mother to arrive. The scene was heartbreaking. (When a student is injured I have to notify the parents first, unless life threatening injury)
  3. Watch multiple students refuse lunch because they couldn't afford it (I always brought extra food for my students)
  4. When I taught sex ed for a semester, multiple parents signed waivers for their students to sit outside the classroom and not learn what I was teaching.
  5. Watch a kid staple his penis to a piece of paper on a dare, then get screamed at by his parents for not stopping him. (This was in a hallway, he was not in my class, I turned a corner to see the staple go into him, and him start to scream)
  6. Get screamed at by multiple parents for teaching their kids history “Wrong”. (As in, I taught them about Slavery)
  7. Be punched in the face by a kid
  8. Have to tell a girl she wasn't dying when her period started. Her parents hadn't told her about periods.

These are just some examples of things I had to do as a Teacher. None of which were in my job description. These examples exclude staying late (unpaid) grading, lunch duty, and many more verbal assaults by parents for teaching their children accurate history.

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