
Think it’s time

I have been wanting to quit my job for some time now, really just waiting to start a new job before quitting just to be safe. Today, my manager comes in, is speaking with one of the employees that, frankly, doesn't know when to shut up or how to not have an attitude. So of course my manager gets pissed at him, says she doesn't need a fucking attitude from him when she just walked in 5 mins ago on a Monday…. she proceeded to throw her shit down, slam a door and is giving everyone else some attitude….really thinking of just turning in my resignation today even though I go on vacation next week. Thoughts?

I have been wanting to quit my job for some time now, really just waiting to start a new job before quitting just to be safe. Today, my manager comes in, is speaking with one of the employees that, frankly, doesn't know when to shut up or how to not have an attitude. So of course my manager gets pissed at him, says she doesn't need a fucking attitude from him when she just walked in 5 mins ago on a Monday…. she proceeded to throw her shit down, slam a door and is giving everyone else some attitude….really thinking of just turning in my resignation today even though I go on vacation next week. Thoughts?

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