
Thinking about giving my joke of an acting director/hiring manager one last chance to fix my schedule or put in a transfer to another location

I left my workplace for awhile and come back to it somehow being worse. The only director that somewhat held things together and helped keep my sanity, while these jokes who were out of their element came to start up the contract were whittling away at it, suddenly put in his two weeks notice. There has been high turnover rate and although I'm in not only the two contract holders graces but even got praise from the vice-president of the property, one of the contract holders is high maintenance and asks for alot of stuff that we aren't contracted to do but have to anyway, less we all lose our jobs. Everything has been a joke and continues to get worse, re-established with acting director my schedule (I have to take the bus due to medical conditions not allowing me to drive) and even though she gave me a gap…

I left my workplace for awhile and come back to it somehow being worse. The only director that somewhat held things together and helped keep my sanity, while these jokes who were out of their element came to start up the contract were whittling away at it, suddenly put in his two weeks notice. There has been high turnover rate and although I'm in not only the two contract holders graces but even got praise from the vice-president of the property, one of the contract holders is high maintenance and asks for alot of stuff that we aren't contracted to do but have to anyway, less we all lose our jobs.

Everything has been a joke and continues to get worse, re-established with acting director my schedule (I have to take the bus due to medical conditions not allowing me to drive) and even though she gave me a gap in work that I need, its only two out of the four requested days and has me set for two consecutive 12hr shifts when requested at most 10hrs.

I've heard talk that at least two legit employees that left transferred to a location that's literally outside one of the transfer points for my bus system. Yeah its an hour ride but from what I gathered: its stationary and the hours I'm at least looking for are solid and will never change on you. Alot better than what I'm getting here with the occasional guilt-trip that my acting director “pulled some strings” in order for me to be in an active position without a vehicle…when it was originally advertised including those who don't have driver's licenses. Only a dollar less but honest to god I will take it for some stability. She can't even get my name right either.

Which is why I'm just thinking of just laying out the ultimatum. Retention is at its worse and I know if they lose me, the rest that either trained under me or were hired around the same time as me will fall. They also lose their top employee that is held in high regard by the contract holders and the vice-president of those contract holders. They cannot lose me, unless they're actually stupid enough to. Either way, its a sinking ship, I might as well see if they're desperate and will hold on to me enough for me to get the CPR/AED/First Aid training to have on my work history as well as my sign on bonus before I leave or start fresh somewhere else where they're also desperate.

But before I did, figured I'd see what others think and if there's something else I should do?

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