
Thinking about leaving the country

I’m 20 my gf is 20. I work a full time job she does as well I have a business that makes me around 500$ a week and my job makes me 800-1000 a week. Our rent went up 700$ our electricity bill is up 80$ gas let’s not get into all of that. But at the end of the day we hardly make it working 75% of our days. Would Sweden be a good option?

I’m 20 my gf is 20. I work a full time job she does as well I have a business that makes me around 500$ a week and my job makes me 800-1000 a week. Our rent went up 700$ our electricity bill is up 80$ gas let’s not get into all of that. But at the end of the day we hardly make it working 75% of our days. Would Sweden be a good option?

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