
thinking about putting former company on blast on twitter

So for some context, i worked for Dollar General from august of 2019 up until last month. LP came in and falsely accused me of stealing and fired me for “failing to protect company assets” because that's all they could come up with. When i asked if they had proof on camera they didn't. You could tell the whole thing was sketchy as could be. I didn't file a case with HR because. A) we all know HR is only there to protect the company not the employees. And. B) I HATED this job so much. The only reason i stayed for so long was because all of the work fell on our ASM and a few other co-workers. Our SM was a lazy drama queen who only sat back in the office watching tik tok. Even refusing to do simple things like check out customers. I just needed a…

So for some context, i worked for Dollar General from august of 2019 up until last month. LP came in and falsely accused me of stealing and fired me for “failing to protect company assets” because that's all they could come up with. When i asked if they had proof on camera they didn't. You could tell the whole thing was sketchy as could be.

I didn't file a case with HR because. A) we all know HR is only there to protect the company not the employees. And. B) I HATED this job so much. The only reason i stayed for so long was because all of the work fell on our ASM and a few other co-workers. Our SM was a lazy drama queen who only sat back in the office watching tik tok. Even refusing to do simple things like check out customers.

I just needed a part time job to help get me through college. Now, i only have 2 more months of college left then i can get a job pertaining to my degree. Most of the time however, it felt like a full time job. I busted my ass for this shitty company for 3 years and this is the thanks I'm given.

My ASM had recently. Been offered a SM position in a town about 20 minutes away and i was going to work for her because honestly, she is a better manager than my SM was or ever will be. But that should have been my first clue.

If we had a union this could have been avoided. But DG is a VERY anti- union company. They treat their workers like absolute shit. And are allowed to still operate. I was constantly left alone to run the whole store by myself running between register and stocking. It was a very bad experience and honestly im glad im out but something needs to be done about this company.

Which, all of this leads me into my plan.

Im a active member over on r/dollargeneral
but, this sub is ran by and mostly composed of employees. However, it is VERY clear that corporate spies on us on that sub. They are aware that it is not the companies official sub-reddit. And honestly, it's only a matter of time before they do try to take it over because i put nothing past this shitty company anymore. That being said, we are always very careful to conceal our identities and store numbers. I once had a supposed “reporter” pm me and ask me why i want to unionize so bad. And others have similar stories.

So, i made a new sub-reddit in january called
r/unionizedollargeneral and i honestly wonder if that had anything to do with my firing last month.

So I'm thinking of going on to the DG twitter page and other corporate people's accounts and spamming r/unionizedollargeneral im just not sure if i want to use my own account or make a fake. and honestly, if you don't know anything about how DG treats their employees i urge you to find out for yourselves.

What do you think?

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