
Thinking about quitting my stable job of 8 yrs to go work at a dispensary or some other place that I (hopefully) won’t hate…

Im a 33 yr old (f) thats worked for a IT company in Ohio for 8 tears. I am honestly not happy with my job in the sales department. I want to try exploring other careers that I might actually enjoy AND be able to make at least a decent-ish salary at. I’m going to toot my own horn here and add that I’ve been promoted at every job I’ve ever had. I’m thinking about exploring jobs in the Cannabis industry, real estate, or healthcare. Really hoping to hear from people that have changed jobs to completely different industries or from those that work in the cannabis industry. Can you tell me how you like (or don’t like) it. How much of a pay cut did you take to try to find a job that would make you happy?

Im a 33 yr old (f) thats worked for a IT company in Ohio for 8 tears. I am honestly not happy with my job in the sales department. I want to try exploring other careers that I might actually enjoy AND be able to make at least a decent-ish salary at. I’m going to toot my own horn here and add that I’ve been promoted at every job I’ve ever had.

I’m thinking about exploring jobs in the Cannabis industry, real estate, or healthcare.

Really hoping to hear from people that have changed jobs to completely different industries or from those that work in the cannabis industry. Can you tell me how you like (or don’t like) it. How much of a pay cut did you take to try to find a job that would make you happy?

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