
Thinking about skipping work or faking a medical emergency to get out

Legit snacks cost me like an hour of work today I cannot fathom how you Americans can keep this up, I’ve been super fucking depressed and on the verge of having a mental breakdown In my head all my thoughts are related to killing the oligarch class and other unhinged activities. I just wanna rest, I need to sleep for a bit, I’m absolutely tired, murder is unironically on my mind, I seriously need help, I cannot fathom or envision a future for myself under capitalism I literally would rather want to kill someone else (oligarchs) before I kill myself I am not trying to be edgy, this is really what’s going on with me, I can’t keep doing this, my mental health is being pushed. Legit everything around me is suburban sprawl, people affected by capitalism, too many fucking cars, not enough community. Not even a fucking strip club…

Legit snacks cost me like an hour of work today I cannot fathom how you Americans can keep this up, I’ve been super fucking depressed and on the verge of having a mental breakdown

In my head all my thoughts are related to killing the oligarch class and other unhinged activities.

I just wanna rest, I need to sleep for a bit, I’m absolutely tired, murder is unironically on my mind, I seriously need help, I cannot fathom or envision a future for myself under capitalism I literally would rather want to kill someone else (oligarchs) before I kill myself

I am not trying to be edgy, this is really what’s going on with me, I can’t keep doing this, my mental health is being pushed.

Legit everything around me is suburban sprawl, people affected by capitalism, too many fucking cars, not enough community. Not even a fucking strip club so that I can pretend to be wanted for about 2-3 hours until I get home.

I’m done, and I’m young, I cannot for the life of me envision a better future

God dammit, I hate working kitchen, I hate dishes especially, I have staying up till 11 to clean up the store because nobody fucking helps me

I just wanna fund my hobbies and lifestyle, I can’t even move out my fucking parents house because this place is so expensive, I wanna be free, GODDAM IT. 20 years in the same place and I cannot envision anything

I’m going to take a medical emergency, I’m still under my parents insurance so it won’t cost anything to say I had a panic attack, I’m tired, I’m done

This country Isint freedom I swear to god, one of my thoughts are literally about “putting conservatives into secluded regions away from society to re educate them” which is basically reforming prisons into rehabilitation camps.

But maybe that’s not so bad either….

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