
Thinking of changing jobs for the 3rd time in 11 months.

On mobile..formatting and all that. As the title says, I’m considering another change. I’m not sure if I just need to vent or looking for advice. I’m retired military and working full time plus my wife works full time. Our needs are met so I refuse to kill myself for a job. I was with a business for 4 years after retirement. Post pandemic it turned into a toxic hellscape. Massive turnover, “Nobody wants to work anymore” attitude and always asking for more without proper compensation. 6 months before I quit I demanded a raise and got laughed at by the GM. So, I started looking. I found a job that was advertised as training position. I took the job and quickly found out that I was lied to during the interview process. The team was extremely toxic. The first thing my trainer said to me was “Don’t ask me…

On mobile..formatting and all that.

As the title says, I’m considering another change. I’m not sure if I just need to vent or looking for advice. I’m retired military and working full time plus my wife works full time. Our needs are met so I refuse to kill myself for a job.

I was with a business for 4 years after retirement. Post pandemic it turned into a toxic hellscape. Massive turnover, “Nobody wants to work anymore” attitude and always asking for more without proper compensation. 6 months before I quit I demanded a raise and got laughed at by the GM. So, I started looking.

I found a job that was advertised as training position. I took the job and quickly found out that I was lied to during the interview process. The team was extremely toxic. The first thing my trainer said to me was “Don’t ask me any fucking questions”. Needless to say that lasted 4 months and I bounced. It. Was. Awful.

I landed a new gig 4 weeks after that. I really like about 80% of this job. I teach industrial safety classes and CPR. I feel like I’m making a difference and teaching a valuable skill. But, I feel that they are putting me unsafe situations. My area of responsibility is 175,000 square miles. I’m asked to drive 3.5-4 hours for a 8am class. I almost fell asleep twice this week behind the wheel.

Additionally, I’m graded on the amount of time I spend in the classroom each day and how much revenue I generate each month. My territory is the largest in the company and mostly rural areas. I’m graded against people working in large metropolitan areas. They don’t account for customer density or size of territory. I sent an email 10 days ago outlining my concerns with no response.

My gut says start looking. Am I being too shortsighted?

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