
Thinking of leaving my 9-5 to become a server again. Help!

Hi all, I got a cushy 9-5 that I thought paid well but has been so exhausting. I only make $575 a week at my new job after taxes and my marketing director quit so it’s pretty much me running things working long days without any extra help or pay. I wont go into the details of my current job but I need more time flexibility and I thought this would be a good career but it’s so exhausting and unrewarding. I’ve been thinking about going back to serving for the schedule flexibility and decent money for way less hours. I just need more time to focus on the things I actually care about like starting my own company, finishing school, and growing my decent YouTube channel, plus I seriously need downtime for my mental sanity. I’m feeling like these slow long days I’d do anything to trade for quick…

Hi all, I got a cushy 9-5 that I thought paid well but has been so exhausting. I only make $575 a week at my new job after taxes and my marketing director quit so it’s pretty much me running things working long days without any extra help or pay. I wont go into the details of my current job but I need more time flexibility and I thought this would be a good career but it’s so exhausting and unrewarding. I’ve been thinking about going back to serving for the schedule flexibility and decent money for way less hours. I just need more time to focus on the things I actually care about like starting my own company, finishing school, and growing my decent YouTube channel, plus I seriously need downtime for my mental sanity. I’m feeling like these slow long days I’d do anything to trade for quick shifts that I can make the same money at or even more. Has anybody else felt this way and went back to serving/a “lower status” job after going to a 9 to 5?

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