
This community has become anti shit-bosses instead of anti work.

The fact that we're required to generate value for someone else just to justify our right to live is insane and inhumane, and we need to stop accepting it. Stop accepting less than what we deserve. People (including many people in this sub) are still so indoctrinated to accept this morally reprehensible framework built upon artificial scarcity and coercion. A society in which work is required to survive is an unethical and unequal society. No work can truly be a choice as long as survival is the motivation. People are still parroting this lie that humans are lazy by default and won't work without the looming threat of starvation and homelessness. Fuck that. It's bullshit and I'm tired of seeing it, here of all places. Guess what? Labor will continue without capitalism because people get fucking bored, people also enjoy luxuries outside of basic necessities and people have different interests,…

The fact that we're required to generate value for someone else just to justify our right to live is insane and inhumane, and we need to stop accepting it. Stop accepting less than what we deserve. People (including many people in this sub) are still so indoctrinated to accept this morally reprehensible framework built upon artificial scarcity and coercion.

A society in which work is required to survive is an unethical and unequal society. No work can truly be a choice as long as survival is the motivation.

People are still parroting this lie that humans are lazy by default and won't work without the looming threat of starvation and homelessness. Fuck that. It's bullshit and I'm tired of seeing it, here of all places. Guess what? Labor will continue without capitalism because people get fucking bored, people also enjoy luxuries outside of basic necessities and people have different interests, strengths and weaknesses that will drive them towards different activities. Coercive labor is slavery. We need real change, capitalism cannot be reformed, it has already failed because it's built on the fallacious concept of infinite growth.

Stop praising bosses and companies for doing the absolute bare minimum of not treating you like shit; stop spouting their propaganda and recognize your own value and worth. You deserve to live by default. You shouldn't have to slave away for someone just to exist. You shouldn't have to earn the right to exist. Fuck that.

It's fucking sad that this is still such a foreign worldview.

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