
This company will be just fine if you leave…

Tldnr first: boss finds out I went on interview, series of events go down so I take an offer of better salary AND hours… bluff called and now they’re about to sink. So I’ll try and keep keep the story as short as possible. Key points of the past year: Privately owned business sells out to a corporation. *Definitely cautious as I know how this could go, and it gets corporate real quick. *after a while, update resume on a whim and immediately start getting emails from recruiters. *got a good thing going, but start doing interviews bc why not? *manager finds out, confronts me and tells me “we’d prefer you stayed but we’d be just fine if you leave” Bet. *actually start considering some of these places. *2 other people jump ship; rest of us just expected to pick up the slack. *newer employee logs into my account and…

Tldnr first: boss finds out I went on interview, series of events go down so I take an offer of better salary AND hours… bluff called and now they’re about to sink.

So I’ll try and keep keep the story as short as possible. Key points of the past year:
Privately owned business sells out to a corporation.
*Definitely cautious as I know how this could go, and it gets corporate real quick.
*after a while, update resume on a whim and immediately start getting emails from recruiters.
*got a good thing going, but start doing interviews bc why not?
*manager finds out, confronts me and tells me “we’d prefer you stayed but we’d be just fine if you leave”
*actually start considering some of these places.
*2 other people jump ship; rest of us just expected to pick up the slack.
*newer employee logs into my account and finds out my pay rate – threatens to leave bc they deserve better than me.
*confronted again, why would I tell others my rate?! Umm… first off
*receive offer of a much higher rate with a smaller work load, lead position bc my skill set, AND come home to my family at 5:30 instead of 8pm every day. 3 day weekends? Yes, thanks! Oh, and full benefits.
*drop notice, boss is “shocked”. Doesn’t even ask if they could compete, just a “well sucks but guess you gotta look out for your family’s best interest”
*ask if I could use remaining PTO during my last week, have an easy exit…
*”actually, we really need you. Also, lots of people taking vacations next month and we’ll be down to 1 person (easily needs to be min 4-6 people to expect to leave before 8) sooo any chance you stay longer and help us out…?”
*my last shift is next Saturday and I think I feel the ‘Vid coming on. *Cough

Bonus *at least 1 other about to jump and I have a list who wanna come with as well.

As it is, gotta leave the specific details vague as I’m going from 1 corporation to another, it seems our industry is already understaffed and WAY underpaid for the shit we do and just going to get worse as it all is turning more profit generating for the CEO’s. Not how this field should work.

Support your VETerans. 😉

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