
This is for people that tell me I am lazy.

This is for people that tell me I am lazy. I worked low income jobs tip jobs for 17 years. This is for people who tell me to just get another “job” and big ok with it. I say hell no. People have no idea how hard life was working those kinds of jobs for 17 years. I was nearly robbed on numerous occassions, harrassed, yelled at. I know everyone has to work jobs like this at some point but I just got burnt out by it and people telling me to do it “again”. My father. They can well you know what I mean. This is for all those low income workers that were told just go get a job and all your problems will be solved. #antiwork, #exploitive capitalism, #Iamahumanbeingnotconsumer. I have taken a break from “work” since covid started. I have never been healthier, stronger, or more…

This is for people that tell me I am lazy. I worked low income jobs tip jobs for 17 years. This is for people who tell me to just get another “job” and big ok with it. I say hell no. People have no idea how hard life was working those kinds of jobs for 17 years. I was nearly robbed on numerous occassions, harrassed, yelled at. I know everyone has to work jobs like this at some point but I just got burnt out by it and people telling me to do it “again”. My father. They can well you know what I mean. This is for all those low income workers that were told just go get a job and all your problems will be solved. #antiwork, #exploitive capitalism, #Iamahumanbeingnotconsumer.

I have taken a break from “work” since covid started. I have never been healthier, stronger, or more less psychically stressed out in my life. I have finally been able to take to for myself and my family. I have finally been able to look into the kind of jobs I want but after two years of “trying” I gave up. I wish everything was automated and no one had to be forced to work for a “wage”. Marx was right the whole concept of a wage is exploitative in nature.

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