
this is goofy but the more I play RDR2 the more I wished I lived in that time

Say what you want about illness and being poor, but the main thing is… Imagine buying land and putting a little work into building your own house with the lumber on the land you bought…. Then maybe you have a ton of free time and go to town and buy some seed and start a garden you tend to and grow your own veggies… Feed the cows the grass on this land and butcher your own meat… Steak and mashed potatoes…. The only thing you're really worried about is selling the extra meat to get a little cash for something nice…. Just cutting some wood for your fireplace and wood stove making some nice stew…. Why the fuck am I sitting at a desk clicking buttons and click clacking on a keyboard for 10 hours a day????? I have a full time job and I'll never be able to afford…

Say what you want about illness and being poor, but the main thing is… Imagine buying land and putting a little work into building your own house with the lumber on the land you bought…. Then maybe you have a ton of free time and go to town and buy some seed and start a garden you tend to and grow your own veggies… Feed the cows the grass on this land and butcher your own meat… Steak and mashed potatoes…. The only thing you're really worried about is selling the extra meat to get a little cash for something nice…. Just cutting some wood for your fireplace and wood stove making some nice stew…. Why the fuck am I sitting at a desk clicking buttons and click clacking on a keyboard for 10 hours a day????? I have a full time job and I'll never be able to afford land in my young years… I'm so tired of slaving for someone else at a damn computer so they can throw $13 at me once an hour fuck

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