
This is not capitalism.

I see a lot of posts bashing capitalism, which is fine. But I'm just confused on why people are bashing capitalism, when the system we have is not a capitalist system. A coworker of mine recently brought up that she tried to buy an 18-pack of eggs at Walmart and it was over 5 dollars. And I started talking with her about inflation and the conversation turned to capitalism. My argument was that, in a free-market capitalist system, if eggs cost that much, I could throw some chickens in my backyard and start selling 18 eggs for $4.50. Someone else would do it and start charging $4. And the price would come down to something more reasonable. But now a days, there is so much regulation, that I'm not legally able to just throw some chickens in my yard and start selling eggs. The big corporations have essentially regulated the…

I see a lot of posts bashing capitalism, which is fine. But I'm just confused on why people are bashing capitalism, when the system we have is not a capitalist system.

A coworker of mine recently brought up that she tried to buy an 18-pack of eggs at Walmart and it was over 5 dollars. And I started talking with her about inflation and the conversation turned to capitalism. My argument was that, in a free-market capitalist system, if eggs cost that much, I could throw some chickens in my backyard and start selling 18 eggs for $4.50. Someone else would do it and start charging $4. And the price would come down to something more reasonable. But now a days, there is so much regulation, that I'm not legally able to just throw some chickens in my yard and start selling eggs. The big corporations have essentially regulated the market in such a way that they can't be competed against. This isn't free market capitalism. It is an oligarchy. Where the people at the top have rigged the system in such a way, that the only option is to find a shit job and work yourself to death until you die. Sure, bash capitalism, but I'd rather have capitalism than what we have now

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