
This is some BS

The owner of my company married his wife 5yrs ago. She has a 30 something yr old son who is now our “GM”. He is on salary and shows up maybe twice a week for a few hours at noon time. Today he showed up at 11:30 and is currently riding around the parking lot of our company on a 4 wheeler with his son on the back. All employees had to punch out at 12 because of a slow work day due to holiday weekend. Here's the good part: we anodized the rims on his 4 wheeler a few months ago, on company time, probably for free. Meanwhile I work at a station with a grow light as my source of light because the fluorescent light fixture broke weeks ago.

The owner of my company married his wife 5yrs ago. She has a 30 something yr old son who is now our “GM”. He is on salary and shows up maybe twice a week for a few hours at noon time. Today he showed up at 11:30 and is currently riding around the parking lot of our company on a 4 wheeler with his son on the back. All employees had to punch out at 12 because of a slow work day due to holiday weekend. Here's the good part: we anodized the rims on his 4 wheeler a few months ago, on company time, probably for free. Meanwhile I work at a station with a grow light as my source of light because the fluorescent light fixture broke weeks ago.

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