I do software validations, which require several hundred pages of gibberish, and some (remote) testing on the customers machine prior to the actual system qualification.
I work from home.
Manager told me on Monday: Documents must be ready today (Friday) at noon. Had a lot of trouble accessing the customers machine (Citrix is BAD), which delayed progress.
Wrote him on Slack: Docs will be ready by today, but not by noon. He answered: No problem, next week is still ok.
— That's what I pulled an all-nighter for. Fuck'em all.
I poured a drink and stopped any kind of work for today. Will visit some friends later, ride my bicycle, and do some weed.
Basically, I have no problem with all-nighters and working on weekends, because I tend to work rather little during normal office hours, so it's not actually unpaid work on sundays etc. — But I DO have a problem with pretenses of non-existent urgency.
I recognize that many people are off much worse, doing actual physical work in a supervised environment, for little pay; I consider myself rather lucky, and in general, I like my employer and try to support his business.
— But I am still pissed off if people try to manipulate me into working harder than is necessary for closing a deal.