
This isn’t really anti work but I just think the term quiet quitting is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard

I believe the proper usage of words is my employer isn't giving me enough incentive to work. Because in the end isn't it up to your boss to make sure you're content so you perform to the best of your ability? Yes you work for them they hire you they can fire you at any time but both of you are receiving something in the end so it's really up to you to keep performing at an adequate level and your boss to give what you deserve. Like symbiosis and just my take but the media really needs to stop making a big deal out of this especially all those articles unless they really don't have anything better to cover because the moment i start reading I realize this person sounds like a fucking idiot trying to make employees look like shit

I believe the proper usage of words is my employer isn't giving me enough incentive to work. Because in the end isn't it up to your boss to make sure you're content so you perform to the best of your ability? Yes you work for them they hire you they can fire you at any time but both of you are receiving something in the end so it's really up to you to keep performing at an adequate level and your boss to give what you deserve. Like symbiosis and just my take but the media really needs to stop making a big deal out of this especially all those articles unless they really don't have anything better to cover because the moment i start reading I realize this person sounds like a fucking idiot trying to make employees look like shit

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