
This movement will die if we all seek to become ‘rich’

Firstly, I think a sense of community is desperately needed, which will die if we all strive to become rich. Secondly, I think this movement is great and much needed. Thirdly, I am a devout Catholic. I don't expect this to go well, but so you understand my biases. The recent post claiming religion is designed by the rich upset me a bit and I don't think Christianity is the enemy of this movement (although the prosperity gospel definitely is). I understand that there are many abuses in the name of Christianity. I myself am regularly disgusted with the hypocrisy seen in Christians and the Church itself. It is worth noting that the Bible treats hypocrisy as one of the gravest sins. There is a hypocrisy in being richer than the people around you. You cannot have significantly more than others and claim to love them. The first to join…

Firstly, I think a sense of community is desperately needed, which will die if we all strive to become rich. Secondly, I think this movement is great and much needed. Thirdly, I am a devout Catholic. I don't expect this to go well, but so you understand my biases. The recent post claiming religion is designed by the rich upset me a bit and I don't think Christianity is the enemy of this movement (although the prosperity gospel definitely is).

I understand that there are many abuses in the name of Christianity. I myself am regularly disgusted with the hypocrisy seen in Christians and the Church itself. It is worth noting that the Bible treats hypocrisy as one of the gravest sins.
There is a hypocrisy in being richer than the people around you. You cannot have significantly more than others and claim to love them. The first to join the church that didn't sell off their land to live as the 'poor' literally dropped dead (Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira). My general understanding is that they died not because they had wealth, but because they lied, pretended that they did not, and claimed to be like the first Christians.
I'll happily be poor, because that doesn't mean my life is bad, it just means I have as much as everyone else. The rich are the problem, and in becoming rich you are the problem. If we strive to be rich we are no better than the abusers.
This movement will flounder if we all just try to become rich, we need to strive for community and lifting each other up. Relatively, we will still be seen as poor, but we will all have better lives, and the rich will be less rich. When you strive for rich, by definition you leave everyone else behind once you have it.

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