
This one is a complaint about how the english government is avoiding easy laws to help workers

So here in England the is constant issue of low hour contracts and it is getting worse more and more companies a seeking 16 hour contracts maximum why wouldn’t they? after all if they under employ everyone which makes losing staff less harmful because you don’t have 40 hr to cover and they can just have less than they need because all of them are desperate for overtime. Non of your staff can afford to be off work either so it is all wins as far as the employer side goes. unfortunately it is the employee that suffers even with two people working 16 hr weeks that isn’t enough really to live on and definitely not one so they take overtime if that overtime drys up or a supervisor doesn’t like you you can’t afford your bills The government could stop this predatory business practice with one simple law but…

So here in England the is constant issue of low hour contracts and it is getting worse more and more companies a seeking 16 hour contracts maximum why wouldn’t they? after all if they under employ everyone which makes losing staff less harmful because you don’t have 40 hr to cover and they can just have less than they need because all of them are desperate for overtime. Non of your staff can afford to be off work either so it is all wins as far as the employer side goes. unfortunately it is the employee that suffers even with two people working 16 hr weeks that isn’t enough really to live on and definitely not one so they take overtime if that overtime drys up or a supervisor doesn’t like you you can’t afford your bills

The government could stop this predatory business practice with one simple law but don’t for no good reason

Want to know how simple this law would be “if you work hours that you aren’t contracted to it is overtime. Overtime is to be paid at 2x your standard hourly rate”

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