
This one’s about a job interview

I am 18 and just out of highschool and I need your opinion. Some background. I Got a new job that was seasonal I knew it was ending. So I decided to look for a new job. The job I got was for a restaurant that I had already worked for just different locations. I get texting to the boss and he says come in on Wednesday at 3 and we can do an interview. I said ok and right after that he started texting me interview questions. Like what kind of pay do you want what things do you already know. I politely turned him down and said can we discuss this on Wednesday. I am at my other job. Wednesday roll around I text him at noon and say are we still good on an interview he says yes. So I drove 45 min to show up at…

I am 18 and just out of highschool and I need your opinion. Some background. I Got a new job that was seasonal I knew it was ending. So I decided to look for a new job. The job I got was for a restaurant that I had already worked for just different locations. I get texting to the boss and he says come in on Wednesday at 3 and we can do an interview. I said ok and right after that he started texting me interview questions. Like what kind of pay do you want what things do you already know. I politely turned him down and said can we discuss this on Wednesday. I am at my other job. Wednesday roll around I text him at noon and say are we still good on an interview he says yes. So I drove 45 min to show up at three. I am like can I see the boss?the guy looks at me and says the boss left five minutes ago let me call him he called him and came back and said the boss doesn't want to come back can you come tomorrow I said ok.

I don't want to take the job because he left me
But he offered me 8 dollars an hour over what I make now would you do it?

TLDR show up for a job interview and the interviewer wasn't there so I had to come back later even though I had an interview time

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