
This petty thing is somehow starting to get under my skin at work.

I work in a hospital kitchen there's 1 kitchen and 2 doors at either side ward 1 and ward 2 at the other side. I mainly work ward 1 then twice a week I will work on ward 2 on the other ladies day off. I take about 1 hour to do all my orders (half of them are completely deaf and don't know where they are.) It takes me a long time to get an answer. I ALWAYS offer hot meals then if they ask for a sandwich I give them it obviously. So when I work on my ward 1. The women who works ward 2 always mentions how she “asks what people want” like nobody else does this. She takes about 25 minutes doing her orders whilst I take an hour (sometimes over an hour) asking people. I don't take work as serious as this women she's…

I work in a hospital kitchen there's 1 kitchen and 2 doors at either side ward 1 and ward 2 at the other side.

I mainly work ward 1 then twice a week I will work on ward 2 on the other ladies day off.
I take about 1 hour to do all my orders (half of them are completely deaf and don't know where they are.) It takes me a long time to get an answer. I ALWAYS offer hot meals then if they ask for a sandwich I give them it obviously.

So when I work on my ward 1. The women who works ward 2 always mentions how she “asks what people want” like nobody else does this. She takes about 25 minutes doing her orders whilst I take an hour (sometimes over an hour) asking people.

I don't take work as serious as this women she's always raving about how she always has the hot meals and everyone else just gives sandwiches. How people are out to get her and she's screaming 'i will win, I always win' because something has been placed somewhere else people are “out to get” her and trying to get her in trouble. I have no idea why she thinks everything is done to get her.

She screams abuse about morning staff (who she's never even met) just blaming them for everything. Calling them things I'm not allowed to write on here and I've heard her being ignorant about race. Just saying really nasty stuff about people.

But the amount of times nurses have been coming into the kitchen and saying to ward 1 women saying that she is the one that gives them hot meals because she's the only one that asks and when she's not here they only get sandwiches. It's starting to irritate me I genuinely take 35 minutes longer than her asking people offering all the hot meals on the menu going through everything for people that aren't aware. Why would I take 35 minutes longer if I'm not asking what they want. I feel annoyed at myself for letting it bother me. I always order a hot meal if they don't give me an answer anyway.

But nobody seems to give a shit about the amount of food waste. If food that's completely in date and not been cooked it still gets binned. The amount of in date food, uncooked, fresh food that just gets binned because it's not been needed on that day. I break my back having to lift the bag of unused food into the bin. Yet we're in a living crisis, underpaid, so many people going hungry this winter. But that doesn't matter apparently. they'd rather bin it than give it to staff or have a food shelter where people in poverty can have free meals. This is what infuriates me the most. An animal had been murdered for food but yeah we will just bin it because we have lots of other dead animals anyway. (This isn't against meat eaters at all! It's just a waste of a life,money and waste of a better opportunity to actually use the food.)

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