
This Question is for Gas station / small grocery store employees.

People who work on mom and pops grocery stores or gas stations. Did you ever received any paid vacation? Did you ever received any bonuses? Did you get paid more than minimum wage? I’m asking this question because I worked at a gas station from 2008-2013. And owner was an asshole. He paid me $7/hour when minimum wage was $8 in California because I wasn’t authorized to work. From 2008-2010. So he took full advantage of me for a year and after that he paid me minimum pay. Whenever I think about it it hurts me. From 2010-2013 I didn’t even get any paid lunch break of 15 mins breaks or any paid sick time. 401k or any benefits. And I worked like Manager to run that place.

People who work on mom and pops grocery stores or gas stations. Did you ever received any paid vacation? Did you ever received any bonuses? Did you get paid more than minimum wage? I’m asking this question because I worked at a gas station from 2008-2013. And owner was an asshole. He paid me $7/hour when minimum wage was $8 in California because I wasn’t authorized to work. From 2008-2010. So he took full advantage of me for a year and after that he paid me minimum pay. Whenever I think about it it hurts me. From 2010-2013 I didn’t even get any paid lunch break of 15 mins breaks or any paid sick time. 401k or any benefits. And I worked like Manager to run that place.

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