
This repeal has nothing to do with conservatism, states’ rights, or religious affiliations. It’s about control.

I've seen post after post in group after group discussing this, and I want to make a different appeal. This isn’t about Republicans trying to please their hardline voter-base. We are coming up on a bunch of elections; elections where dissatisfied people are now going to be coming out in droves to vote against Republicans. Note I didn’t say “vote for Democrats”. People don’t want Democrats in power either. They promise a bunch of barely-progressive goals, and never seem to hit any of them. However, when the choice is between Democrats and people who seem determined to take away the rights of their wives, daughters, and (possibly very soon) their gay sons and friends, they’ll vote “blue no matter who”. “Just vote” isn’t going to change anything. The way we vote needs to be changed! If you don’t understand why, I suggest you research Duverger's law {1}. Basically, unless we…

I've seen post after post in group after group discussing this, and I want to make a different appeal.

This isn’t about Republicans trying to please their hardline voter-base. We are coming up on a bunch of elections; elections where dissatisfied people are now going to be coming out in droves to vote against Republicans. Note I didn’t say “vote for Democrats”. People don’t want Democrats in power either. They promise a bunch of barely-progressive goals, and never seem to hit any of them. However, when the choice is between Democrats and people who seem determined to take away the rights of their wives, daughters, and (possibly very soon) their gay sons and friends, they’ll vote “blue no matter who”.

“Just vote” isn’t going to change anything. The way we vote needs to be changed! If you don’t understand why, I suggest you research Duverger's law {1}. Basically, unless we change the way our voting is handled, we will never break free of a two-party system. But even that wouldn’t necessarily change the fundamental problem we have in this country.

Recall the 2014 Princeton study {2}, which shows how little the masses' opinions have on public policy. It's not a stretch to say the SCOTUS would be similarly unaffected by what we, the people, want. I'd wager the popular vote on abortion would overwhelmingly favor Roe vs Wade remaining as is (or being codified, which would have been a massive improvement).

However, we don’t make decisions in this county. Money, and the people who control it do!

So how does this decision benefit them? That’s the question that people need to be asking.

{1} Duverger's law

{2} Princeton Study

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