
This sub and my mother gave me to courage to know my worth

I'm a lurker here for the most part. I'm learning to be a good manager and fight for my coworkers. This last year (my first in this role) I have gotten raises for everyone, significant raises though they still deserve more. My husband and I are both “white collar” workers, we make decent money and live pretty well. I used to feel guilty asking for more because we don't really need it, not the way others do. Thats crap though. Why should I undervalue myself? I've worked my ass of this year, put in all the overtime, and have saved the company money in numerous ways. I came up for my yearly contract renewal and was offered 8%. Not bad, but considering the state of inflation it still falls short of a true COL adjustment. And I deserve a merit based raise. I countered and haven't heard back. So I…

I'm a lurker here for the most part. I'm learning to be a good manager and fight for my coworkers. This last year (my first in this role) I have gotten raises for everyone, significant raises though they still deserve more. My husband and I are both “white collar” workers, we make decent money and live pretty well. I used to feel guilty asking for more because we don't really need it, not the way others do. Thats crap though. Why should I undervalue myself? I've worked my ass of this year, put in all the overtime, and have saved the company money in numerous ways. I came up for my yearly contract renewal and was offered 8%. Not bad, but considering the state of inflation it still falls short of a true COL adjustment. And I deserve a merit based raise. I countered and haven't heard back. So I countered again. I'm a little nervous because I like this job, but they need me. We'll see what they say. I was listening to my mother this last week and it just hit me. She has been at her employer 20 years. She just got bumped to 20$/hr, up from 17.80. They are desperate for help, and new hires are starting at 18. It was the only reason she got a raise. She has been working overtime and on call shifts constantly and is upset she is only making (now) $2/hr more for 20 years of service. But she won't ask for a raise because it would be disrespectful and “I'm not ready to quit my job yet”. She could have another one tomorrow. Fuck that.

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