
This sub is cool and all, but is there anything coming of it?

Long time lurker. So I’ve been a part of this sub for what seems like a year or so, and while I’ve seen a couple protests, some unionizing efforts, some news articles regarding r/antiwork, and lots of individual anecdotes of people sticking it to their bosses or finding better jobs…I’ve also seen an equal amount of depression, people not being able to make ends meet with 2 jobs, and suicide thoughts. Maybe it’s my fault for only sorting by hot…but are there any large scale call to actions that r/antiwork has helped get going? This is my first instinct, but I feel like the best thing to help the working class (in America at least) is to start putting working class people in local government positions. I feel like the best people would be the ones who have no interest in holding office. Point me in the right direction if…

Long time lurker. So I’ve been a part of this sub for what seems like a year or so, and while I’ve seen a couple protests, some unionizing efforts, some news articles regarding r/antiwork, and lots of individual anecdotes of people sticking it to their bosses or finding better jobs…I’ve also seen an equal amount of depression, people not being able to make ends meet with 2 jobs, and suicide thoughts.

Maybe it’s my fault for only sorting by hot…but are there any large scale call to actions that r/antiwork has helped get going? This is my first instinct, but I feel like the best thing to help the working class (in America at least) is to start putting working class people in local government positions. I feel like the best people would be the ones who have no interest in holding office.

Point me in the right direction if you know of anything. This feels like a great support group, but now I want to start thinking of the big picture and how we can all help each other by implementing solutions to all of these issues.

Pre-Post Edit: right before I was gonna post this, I joined the 600+ person voice chat that r/antiwork hosted. I felt way more part of a community. I also found out about the discord server too!

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