
This sub should be focused on workers rights, not shitting on people for the job they do.

There was a post from yesterday about “Do you have a bullshit job” and it was an editorial comic saying if you can't describe your job in 3 words, you have a bullshit job. In the comic, there were 3 people describing their complicated jobs in IT and then the last one saying “I catch fish.” I'm sorry, but this just seems like a shitty excuse an uneducated person would tell themselves to compensate for their insecurities in what they do for a living. If you catch fish for a living, and you love it – great for you! We should all be happy for those doing something that they enjoy doing and being able to survive while doing it. But just because there are people out there who solve complex technology problems that are far out of your scope of comprehension does not mean what they do is “bullshit,”…

There was a post from yesterday about “Do you have a bullshit job” and it was an editorial comic saying if you can't describe your job in 3 words, you have a bullshit job. In the comic, there were 3 people describing their complicated jobs in IT and then the last one saying “I catch fish.”

I'm sorry, but this just seems like a shitty excuse an uneducated person would tell themselves to compensate for their insecurities in what they do for a living. If you catch fish for a living, and you love it – great for you! We should all be happy for those doing something that they enjoy doing and being able to survive while doing it. But just because there are people out there who solve complex technology problems that are far out of your scope of comprehension does not mean what they do is “bullshit,” and saying that just makes you sound like a dumb asshole.

I don't give a flying fuck if it takes you a novel to descrive what you do at work, are you getting paid appropriately? Is your employer treating you fairly? Is your work environment safe? If any of those questions can be answered with a no, then the job you're doing is a bullshit job.
Does your job involve taking advantage of others? Do you put others into bad situations for your personal gain? Do you call yourself a landlord or property manager? If those questions can be answered with a yes, then YOUR job is a bullshit job.

Stay in scope, antiwork, and stay the fuck in your lane.

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