
This was a new one.

I am currently looking for a new teaching position and I have had three interviews with local districts in the last month. Two of the three made me offers almost instantly. Yesterday I received an “offer” from the last district that absolutely floored me. The school called me and said that they absolutely loved me, expressed that I would be a perfect fit for the position and all of the things one would expect from a good interview… then said that they were not sure that they actually had the opening anymore and needed time to figure it. They did not say how much time they would need, but did have the gall to ask me to reject other offers so they could have a chance to get it straightened out. These lunatics actually asked me to pass on other offers from other schools while they got their act together.…

I am currently looking for a new teaching position and I have had three interviews with local districts in the last month. Two of the three made me offers almost instantly.

Yesterday I received an “offer” from the last district that absolutely floored me.

The school called me and said that they absolutely loved me, expressed that I would be a perfect fit for the position and all of the things one would expect from a good interview… then said that they were not sure that they actually had the opening anymore and needed time to figure it.

They did not say how much time they would need, but did have the gall to ask me to reject other offers so they could have a chance to get it straightened out.

These lunatics actually asked me to pass on other offers from other schools while they got their act together. I immediately told them that I was no longer interested in their district and that I was going to accept another option…

The HR representative that called was stunned and could not believe that I would be willing to pass on such a “good opportunity” and told me in a snarky tone that if I said no now that they would move on to the next candidate and this offer would be gone… WHAT KIND OF LUNACY WAS THIS?!?

Also, not that pay is everything in education, but this district paid over $10k less than the other two were offering.

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