
This was from a while ago but I thought I’d share my story about a random IT gig gone stupid, and HRs legal threats.

TLDR: 6 month project, dipshitmanager thought my Adderall fueled documentation was a waste of time, ran out of funds for the project and fired me to recoup some. Project fails without me. They demand my documentation under threat of legal action. Had this whole massive 200~ pages of documentation I had written the first 2 weeks or so. All the objectives, everything we worked on, purchased etc. It was meticulous but not a requirement for the contract. I wrote it in my own time after each day to make sure I knew this system inside and out because I figured they would fire the dipshit manager and keep me on as lead. So I wrote and kept for personal use. At some point I told my manager about it and he said it was useless and that I had better not be wasting work hours on something full of useless…

TLDR: 6 month project, dipshitmanager thought my Adderall fueled documentation was a waste of time, ran out of funds for the project and fired me to recoup some. Project fails without me. They demand my documentation under threat of legal action.

Had this whole massive 200~ pages of documentation I had written the first 2 weeks or so. All the objectives, everything we worked on, purchased etc. It was meticulous but not a requirement for the contract. I wrote it in my own time after each day to make sure I knew this system inside and out because I figured they would fire the dipshit manager and keep me on as lead. So I wrote and kept for personal use. At some point I told my manager about it and he said it was useless and that I had better not be wasting work hours on something full of useless info… told him I wasn't and he said then it's fine I keep it for myself if I wanted to waste my own time.

Project manager apparently went over budget 2 months into a 6 month project. I had no idea until he fired me… apparently so he could use the funds intended for my pay to keep the project going.

Like 2 days later HR called me. I honestly was expecting them to report that they had fired him and wanted to rehire me.

Apparently he had told them how ineffectual I was for the project. As far as I could tell no one else was actually doing anything besides me but… you know that's just like, my perspective man.

Anyways, they wanted the documentation I wrote, that the project manager deemed useless. The project came to a screeching halt and the manager couldn't figure out a USB port from his own asshole. I told them “No” and “You fired me without warning so this just isn't going to happen” Eventually the HR woman actually yelled and threatened to “ruin your fucking life” and was going to have their legal team sue me for breach of contract. Hung up on her repeatedly. Told them I would sell it to them for the remainder of my contract pay. Of course they said no. Finally they gave up trying to contact me via cell, email etc.

About two weeks later Fedex had me sign for a parcel as proof I received it.

Inside was a pre-written affidavit by the companies legal team admitting the failure of the project was due to me “stealing company property as retaliation for being fired.” They claimed they would not pursue legal action against me if I signed the affidavit and gave over the documentation. They even claimed it would be a felony so they're really helping me out with their mercy here… What a piece of work this whole company is.

Anyways. Showed a lawyer, reviewed my work contract with him and he asked if they had proof of me creating this documentation while on paid work time. Told him absolutely not, AND not only that but I also had the texts from the manager saying he didn't want it. Timestamped over a week before they fired me.

Shredded the letter and never heard back from them. I still fantasize about their office building somehow being hit by a meteor… or RPG round.

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