
This week’s been like waiting for the Red Wedding or Thanos to snap his fingers

I work for a successful cannabis company. We were so successful we ended up getting bought out by a larger company. Said company is supposed to take over next month. Leading up to this week everyone had been told they are safe and things would continue to operate as they had been, just with more guidance. Wednesday morning my boss found out that was not the case, and the new company is halting all packaging operations in our location and moving it to a new location 8 hours away. I happened to be in the “right place at the right time” so I heard it right after he did. The ceo came up later that day and gave everyone the news, but didn't have a list of who would be offered a job at the new location. This morning everyone got their letters. Overall I estimate we are losing 18…

I work for a successful cannabis company. We were so successful we ended up getting bought out by a larger company. Said company is supposed to take over next month. Leading up to this week everyone had been told they are safe and things would continue to operate as they had been, just with more guidance. Wednesday morning my boss found out that was not the case, and the new company is halting all packaging operations in our location and moving it to a new location 8 hours away. I happened to be in the “right place at the right time” so I heard it right after he did. The ceo came up later that day and gave everyone the news, but didn't have a list of who would be offered a job at the new location. This morning everyone got their letters. Overall I estimate we are losing 18 of our 33 teammates. People I didn't expect, people I did expect, people who are my friends. Trying my best to not feel guilty about getting to stay, plus I'm getting a raise. It fucking sucks. Everyone still worked even though they were pissed, no one can afford to not work while looking for a new job.

I started in this company 5 years ago in packaging. So many of us helped build this company. Im still at a loss for words honestly. My boss is a wreck, he's one of the few good ones that care. Pissed that the company isn't laying off anyone so no one can get unemployment. I hate how our country treats its people in the pursuit of profits. I hate having to work just to live. I hate being an indentured servant under the guise of freedom. It all fucking sucks.

Sorry to end so rambling its Friday and I'm having a few beers for the fallen today. I just needed to get this off my chest.

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