
Thought this might belong here. It’s been two days and no response from my boss.

I'm really trying to understand why I'm so upset over a 6-7k annual pay decrease. I think it's the principle of (executive director) running reports and seeing me as a dollar value and not a value-add triggers me from my previous company where I advocated for my clients tooth and nail regardless of their payor source. Although I can step back and see the bigger picture here, it still feels slimy and handled in a way that puts a bad taste in my mouth. I started volunteering for the (company name) when I was 17 (note: I am 41); constantly going above and beyond in any way I could whether in volunteering or in my paid positions in Arizona and the Mid-West. I've always promoted the (company name) to others, wholeheartedly believing in our evolving mission statement over the years. I've never fought over pay, never looked at my paycheck…

I'm really trying to understand why I'm so upset over a 6-7k annual pay decrease. I think it's the principle of (executive director) running reports and seeing me as a dollar value and not a value-add triggers me from my previous company where I advocated for my clients tooth and nail regardless of their payor source. Although I can step back and see the bigger picture here, it still feels slimy and handled in a way that puts a bad taste in my mouth.

I started volunteering for the (company name) when I was 17 (note: I am 41); constantly going above and beyond in any way I could whether in volunteering or in my paid positions in Arizona and the Mid-West. I've always promoted the (company name) to others, wholeheartedly believing in our evolving mission statement over the years. I've never fought over pay, never looked at my paycheck earnings, never tried to negotiate pay, or complained about my earnings. Any pay raises have always been welcomed with a heartfelt “thank you.”

I've been offered positions at competing gyms, private gyms, and at a friend's start up studio. I've never blinked an eye at these offers because the (company name) has always been more than just a gym to me but, now looking through the eyes of me being a dollar value, I see these job offerings have been for almost twice as much as what the (company name) offers. Instead of being hung up on pay I've poured my heart and soul more into the (company name).

I saw a need that I could fill at the front desk and started helping out. This turned into a consistent morning position where I would wake up at 3:30am, which is very hard to do. Did you know that circadian rhythm disruptions are associated with increased cancer risk; including cancers of the prostate, breast, colon, liver, pancreas, ovary, and lung? It is also associated with a wide variety of adverse health consequences, including increased risk for premature death, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular dysfunction, heart attack, immune dysregulation, reproductive problems, mood disorders such as depression, learning deficits, and even car accidents. I have always been well aware and still continued to serve the (company name) despite these risks.

I am no longer willing to do this. Since I am now required to accept a 25% decrease in wages (it started at 40% btw) compound with over a 25% decrease in hours due to my part time status (refusal to offer full time benefits), I feel that I should have the opportunity to re-assess my hours.

Effective on the day of my pay decrease on Sunday 10-09-2022, I am no longer willing to wake up at 3:30am to open the gym. Please remove my hours from the front desk for the remainder of October as I need to be able to pour my time and effort into finding a job where I can live out my personal mission of making a meaningful difference in people's lives.

I am willing to continue to teach group exercise classes, but with a newly marked caution that the Executive Director only sees me as a dollar value on the reports she runs. If you need to let me go due to my candid opinion on this matter, please let me know so I can take my talent and energy to another company that matches my own personal mission statement.

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