
thoughts on jobs requiring references?

Everyone believes requiring references is standard practice, but it seems like it presents an unnecessary and kind of inhumane struggle for employees who already struggle to get through applications and hiring processes. Like what if you left a job due to abusive management, union busting, retaliation, etc. Should you be required to give a managerial reference in that scenario? I don't think that's fair. Then, just like with discrimination in hiring, the burden of proof falls to the employee and the abusive management gets off Scott free. I just sent out required references that said I also could not sue for libel. What happens if they slander someone? Idek. And also when they require 3+ managerial references, how are you supposed to complete that if going back to old jobs you find that most of your managers have left their positions or no longer work there. They say you're supposed…

Everyone believes requiring references is standard practice, but it seems like it presents an unnecessary and kind of inhumane struggle for employees who already struggle to get through applications and hiring processes. Like what if you left a job due to abusive management, union busting, retaliation, etc. Should you be required to give a managerial reference in that scenario? I don't think that's fair. Then, just like with discrimination in hiring, the burden of proof falls to the employee and the abusive management gets off Scott free.

I just sent out required references that said I also could not sue for libel. What happens if they slander someone? Idek.

And also when they require 3+ managerial references, how are you supposed to complete that if going back to old jobs you find that most of your managers have left their positions or no longer work there. They say you're supposed to track them down but that's awkward, and weird.

AND, asking someone to be a reference is not just some casual thing. It's an obligation and it kind of makes things awkward between you and that person because they keep having to take phone calls and fill out forms on your behalf for a bunch of random jobs that might not even hire you.

The whole thing just seems unnecessary. Thoughts?

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